Use of Geographic Information Processing for the Identification of Indirect Impacts Associated with Regulatory Permitting Programs: For Now, a Conceptual Model
The utilization of Geographic Information Processing (GIP) for the identification and assessment of direct impacts to coastal ecosystems allowed under the guidelines of regulatory permitting...

The Northern Coast of the State of Rio De Janeiro
This work presents a general characterization of a portion of the coastline of the State of Rio de Janeiro, based on observations made between 1988 and 1992, as part of Littoral Rio project....

Ecological Costs of Urban Expansion in a Mangrove Ecosystem: A Case Studied
On Santa Catarina Island in southern Brazil, mangrove systems are found along about 14.7% of this coast. These areas, although declared by legislation as 'Permanent Preservation Areas',...

Coastal Wetlands of Ghana
The Ghanaian coast is overlain with over 50 lagoons and wetlands, which among others, are important wintering sites for European birds. Types, location and size of the wetlands are inventorised....

Argentine Deltas Morphology
Only two deltas are located along the Argentine coast, both of them at Buenos Aires state. The northern one is the Parana Delta at the Rio de La Plata estuary (34.99' Lat. Sur) and the...

The Sea Sentinels Project: Watching Waves in Brazil
This paper presents the first results of the Sea Sentinels-a project for monitoring nearshore wave conditions in Brazil by means of visual observations. The observation techniques used...

Sandy Beach Restoration in Heavily Populated Areas
Urban coastal areas are marked by several conflicts between its use and the conservation of its use and the conservation of its natural features. The Rio de Janeiro State University -...

Theoretical Study of Artificial Nourishment on the Suape Beach, State of Pernambuco, Brazil
This paper describes the theoretical studies developed to design the artificial nourishment on Suape Beach, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. The basis concepts are briefly discussed, as well...

Managing Beach Erosion in Fortaleza, Brazil
The littoral of the metropolitan region of Fortaleza City, State of Ceara in the Northeastern part of Brazil, has suffered significant morphological changes during this century. There...

Traffic and Lead Pollution on Lake Maracaibo's Western Coast
This project focused on Nerium Oleander (NO) (Berberia), an ornamental plant. Chemical analyses (acid digestion and atomic absorption spectrophotometry) of the plant's tissue and the soil...

Political and Planning Actions on the Brazilian Coastal Management Program
The Brazilian Coastal Management Program is presented in two distinct phases, starting from its introduction in the country. Technical aspects of the adopted methodology development are...

Five Year Program to Evaluate Sand, Mineral and Hard Bottom Resources of the Continental Shelf off South Carolina
In July of 1992, the State of South Carolina entered into a cooperative arrangement with the Minerals Management Service (MMS) to establish a technical working group to identify and evaluate...

Dock Master Planning in Coastal South Carolina
The rising population of coastal South Carolina has lead to an increasing demand for water access structures such as private docks. In order to comprehensively review the impacts of large...

Pelagic Fisheries of Senegal: State of Stocks, Management Options, Policy Constraints and the Role of Subsidies
After a global presentation of the Senegalese pelagic distribution of the fish stocks, this article analyzes the effects of financial support programs in the industry. The suitability...

Challenges for Coastal Resources Management in the Cheonsu Bay, The Republic of Korea
Under the development-oriented national policy on coastal zone uses, the current institutional arrangements of Korea cannot provide an integrated way. Thus the management efforts often...

Some Considerations About a Coastal Lagoon (RJ-Brasil) Trophic Level
The growing urban occupation in coastal areas has generated environmental disturbs such as the eutrophication of semi-enclosed water bodies. The Marapendi Lagoon, located at a fast developing...

Restoring the Beach Profile with Vegetation
Owing to the fast moving urban expansion of the city of Rio de Janeiro toward one of its most preserved coastal areas, Barra da Tijuca district, it was necessary to implement some substructure...

Management and Engineering at Araruama Lagoon, Brazil
Contrary to generalized expectations, the shores of Araruama Lagoon turned out to be abundant of examples of morphological changes, primarily due to disregard of basic coastal engineering...

Geomorphological and Geological Evolution of the Quaternary Nile Delta and its Rate of Subsidence
Three-dimensional geomorphological models have been constructed for the Nile Delta, simply illustrate its development and geologic evolution from the Late Pliocene to Recent. This attempt...

A Coastal Ecosystem Management and Its Effects in a Subtropical Climate: The Conceicao Lagoon
The Conceicao Lagoon on Santa Catarina Island along the south coast of Brazil constitutes a natural and scenic resource of ecological, economic and scientific value. Due to natural and...





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